A unique insight into three people’s attempts to escape the world of debt. The best option for former social worker Cath is to go bankrupt even though that could mean losing her home. But it’s an escape route that will cost her over five hundred pounds, money she’s struggling to find. Army wife Helen is battling with a mountain of debt that includes a couple of payday loans. She’s trying to take the pressure off her husband, a former soldier who’s struggling with post traumatic stress disorder, developed after several tours of Afghanistan and Iraq. Meanwhile, unemployed Ricky’s world was turned upside down when his mother died. As well as debts from the funeral and burial plot, he also found that the cost of his car insurance rocketed when he went from being a carer to unemployed.
First broadcast BBC One Wales – 2 Jun 2014
South Wales Argus – Gwent advice office handled £11m worth of debt queries